Date of Award

January 2019

Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


English and Theatre

First Advisor

Dominic Ashby

Department Affiliation

English and Theatre

Second Advisor

Jill Parrott

Department Affiliation

English and Theatre

Third Advisor

Carter Sickels

Department Affiliation

English and Theatre


Queer Theory has maintained an unstable place in Writing Studies because of the ever-changing political and social uses and definitions of the term “queer” in contemporary western society. In this essay, I discuss how composition scholars must reinterpret their understanding of Queer Composition from a writing genre to a writing heuristic in order to stabilize queerness in Writing Studies. I show how the Queer Composition heuristic functions within a text by using Lynda Barry’s creative and pedagogical text What It Is as an example that iterates queerness as an accessible and inclusive practice for all writers.
