The Benefits of Therapeutic Recreation on Children with Autism

Presenter Hometown

Cincinnati, Ohio


Recreation and Park Administration


Recreation and Park Administration




Michelle Davis Gerken

Mentor Department

Recreation and Park Administration


About 1 in every 88 children have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The researcher performed a literature analysis examining experimental studies to identify the benefits of recreation therapy for children with ADS. Children with ASD suffer from deficiencies in social interaction, communication challenges, and repetitive physical behaviors. Children with autism are at risk for inactivity. The researcher identifies recreation therapy interventions in relation to quality of life and well-being. The researcher will investigate how group interventions in recreation therapy activities benefit the child with autism to grow socially with an over all improved quality of life.

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The Benefits of Therapeutic Recreation on Children with Autism

About 1 in every 88 children have been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The researcher performed a literature analysis examining experimental studies to identify the benefits of recreation therapy for children with ADS. Children with ASD suffer from deficiencies in social interaction, communication challenges, and repetitive physical behaviors. Children with autism are at risk for inactivity. The researcher identifies recreation therapy interventions in relation to quality of life and well-being. The researcher will investigate how group interventions in recreation therapy activities benefit the child with autism to grow socially with an over all improved quality of life.