Date of Award

January 2014

Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

First Advisor

Charles S. Hausman

Department Affiliation

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Second Advisor

James R. Bliss

Department Affiliation

Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

Third Advisor

Ryan L. Sharp

Department Affiliation

Recreation and Park Administration


This study examined the effect campus recreation programs have on student retention for full-time freshman students at Eastern Kentucky University. Gender, first-generation, non-traditional students and participation in recreation programs were used as predictor variables for the purpose of this study. Data were collected from Eastern Kentucky University's campus recreation database on the utilization of general gym facility use, Adventure Programs, and Intramural Sports. The analysis of the results revealed that the retention rates of students who participated in campus recreation programs were higher than the students who did not participate in campus recreation programs had a higher retention rate than students who did not participate. Recommendations for policy implications and future research are provided.
