
Scientists and medical professionals have made extensive movements in the development of new technology for the medical field. The invention of what are known as hemostatic agents has made a great impact in the fields of trauma care and surgery. Hemostatic agents are tools that function to aid in hemostasis, and the efficacy of each agent is compared based on mechanism, time taken to stop bleeding, convenience, and scale of application. Mechanical hemostats specifically stop blood flow by creating a physical barrier against the bleeding as well as providing a surface that enhances clot formation rapidly. Three categories of mechanical hemostats were explored: gelatin-based, collagen-based, and oxidized regenerated cellulose agents. Gelatin and collagen hemostats absorb blood. While effective in stopping minimal arterial bleeding, both agents have displayed a potential for use of over swelling, therefore they are not recommended for intravascular use. Oxidized regenerated cellulose hemostats function similarly to gelatin and collagen based hemostatic agents and are argued to be more preferable when compared to the mechanical hemostats. However, use of ORC’s come with complications, and there is room for improvement. VetiGel is an up and coming alga-based hemostatic agent that acts to mimic the fibrin-platelet plug of the body’s natural coagulation process to stop bleeding. If approved for human use, VetiGel could prove beneficial in the operating room, on the battlefield, and even in the homes of everyday people.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 2017


Ismail El-Amouri

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Medical Laboratory Science

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Medical Laboratory Science
