
This project explains the research, implementation, success, and future directions of the professional development system for the Noel Studio for Academic Creativity at Eastern Kentucky University. The employees at the Noel Studio are all students, leading to high turnover, which necessitated a formal training system to ensure student consultants could assist clients. The version of the training system used during the Spring 2018 semester was evaluated and found to be successful, as evaluated by Reaction and Learning level results from a Kirkpatrick-based survey. As the environment of the University is always changing, the training system is constantly being improved. Recommended improvements include collaboration with student consultants to create the training schedule, implementing a physical binder of content for each consultant, customizing activities by seniority and experience, and offering consultants to lead training on their topics of expertise.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 2018


Marcel Robles

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Management, Marketing, and International Business

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level




Department Name when Degree Awarded

Management, Marketing, and International Business

IRB Approval Number (if applicable)

