
The experimenter ran an experiment on how acute pEMF therapy effects short-term performance. Subjects were recruited and were put through two trials. The average subject age was 20 years old, average height was 71.82 cm, and average weight was 190.59 lbs. In one they were exposed to pEMF therapy and the other they were not. The hypothesis was that pEMF therapy will show significant enhancements in short-term performance. There were five specific tests we ran to attempt to prove or disprove this hypothesis. The tests involved balance, jump height, reaction time, and short-term memory. After the subject completed the first round of testing, they scheduled their second test and came in to do these again. Data was collected and analyzed. Results showed that pEMF therapy improved four out of nine tests. Therefore, proving that acute pEMF therapy did not show significant enhancements in short-term performance. Surrounding variables potentially could have affected the study. Not using pEMF therapy proved to outperform pEMF therapy in five out of the nine total tests. To conclude, this variation of acute pEMF therapy on short-term performance has yet to show any significant enhancements in data results.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 12-9-2019


Michael T. Lane

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Exercise and Sport Science

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level




Department Name when Degree Awarded

Baccalaureate and Graduate Nursing
