
Every year, the pollution in our world increases but few people have addressed this issue. Between the culture of consumerism, little to no recycling, and lack of education, it can feel difficult as a regular person to make a difference. However, it is not impossible. As the consumer, the general public has the ability to enact change. While sustainability in the fashion industry may seem unattainable, making progressive changes in the manufacturing and buying process of clothing will make fashion more eco-friendly over time. With the proper education and guidance, anyone can make more sustainable fashion choices without going outside their price range. Making big, expensive changes all at once is not the way to go. Instead, consider what switches could be made easily, such as buying clothing from “low-end” stores. However, if the resources are possessed to make more permanent changes then consider shopping from fully sustainable brands or making clothing from scratch. These are not the only changes that can be made, but they do represent a large portion of the spectrum of more sustainable purchases. We have the power to make change happen.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 2024


Catherine L. Stearn

Mentor Department Affiliation

History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Language and Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology


