University Presentation Showcase: Graduate Poster Gallery

Creation Date
Spring 2016
Recreation and Park Administration
Recreation and Park Administration
Michael J. Bradley
Mentor Department
Recreation and Park Administration
Increasing Success of Breweries Due to Community Attachment
Local microbreweries are becoming very popular in the United States. In 2015, the number of total breweries in the United States increased to an all-time high of 4,144. Breweries are making an impact in their local communities through social, economic, and residential value. There has not been much research conducted on these breweries, specifically looking at the level of community attachment visitors have with the breweries in their community.
An on-site questionnaire was administered by researchers in order to establish the current level of community attachment of local brewery visitors. Participants were asked to categorize themselves as a resident or visitor to the community for the purpose of this study. Participants were asked to gauge their agreement or disagreement with Likert-style statements about community attachment, community tourism, and local food.
In order for this current trend to continue to remain popular, more research on the types of visitors and what draws them to these breweries is needed. Further study of visitors to breweries will help identify key areas for the breweries to focus. Breweries rely on their community for business, and marketing through word of mouth. With a majority of participants in this study agreeing to community attachment statements, there is evidence that breweries play a significant role in their communities. Community buy-in is important when it comes to the success of the breweries, but there are a number of strategies breweries can use to achieve this sense of community within their business.