"Investigating the Community Aspects of Dog Parks" by Margaret Gibson

University Presentation Showcase: Graduate Poster Gallery



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Creation Date

Spring 2017


Recreation and Parks Administration


Recreation and Park Administration




Jon McChesney

Mentor Department

Recreation and Park Administration


A dog park promotes friendships and a feeling of belonging to a community. Owning a dog encourages people to exercise and could likely assist in decreasing the numbers in obesity. Providing dog parks is imperative to the health of those who are overweight, with more than one-third (36.5%) of U.S adults falling in the obese category (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Taking a dog out to the park has also been found to stimulate social interaction with other people (Journal of Nutrition and the Elderly, 1996). The love people share for their dogs reaches beyond economic value and social barriers helps foster a sense of community (American Kennel Club, 2016). Research suggests that when people talk, even briefly, it strengthens their interpersonal bond and plants the seeds for a myriad of benefits;) a dog is a catalyst that makes conversations and relationships easier to start (The Social Benefits of Dogs, 2016). Going to the dog park is the perfect opportunity to connect with others; these spaces are needed due to the popularity of becoming a “pet parent.” Not providing dog parks is similar to not providing parks for young children. Dog owners continue to spend a significant amount on their animals. In 2015 alone, $60.28 billion was spent on pets in the U.S (American Pet Products Association, 2015). The number of households with dogs continue to rise. As a result, communities around the country are replacing playgrounds with dog parks (Dogs and Dog Parks On the Rise, 2016).
