University Presentation Showcase: Undergraduate Poster Gallery

Creation Date
Spring 1-2019
Criminal Justice & Psychology
Jonathan S. Gore
Mentor Department
Past research has found that narcissists engage in antisocial behavior. Some past research has even looked at reasons why narcissists engage in antisocial behavior. However, no research has looked at Need for Power as a factor to why narcissists engage in antisocial behavior. The purpose of the current research is to examine Need for Power as a potential mediating factor between narcissism and antisocial behavior. The current research was conducted in two studies. Participants (n = 408) of study one consisted of undergraduate students who completed an online survey focusing on Narcissism, Need for Power, and Aggression. The results of study one found that Need for Power fully mediated the association between narcissism and aggression. Participants (n = 324) of study two consisted of adults who completed an online survey through Mechanical Turk. Study two focused on 7 types of Narcissism, 4 types of Need for Power, Need for Influence, and Lifetime Criminal Behavior. The results of study two found that most forms of narcissism positively associated with criminal behavior, but only the desire to resist subordination mediated the link between narcissism and criminal behavior.