Do Cognitive, Linguistic, and Socio-emotional Skills Improve After Studying Abroad?

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Sara Incera

Mentor Department



Research has shown that studying abroad programs have the potential to enhance cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional skills. The Multilingual Laboratory is collaborating with the Education Abroad office at Eastern Kentucky University to evaluate students’ performance before and after their experience abroad. Our goal is to better understand what skills are most influenced by immersive programs in a foreign country. We also aim to quantify how much each skill is affected by these experiences and what factors maximize these gains. In this longitudinal study students are tested twice, once before traveling abroad and once after they come back from their trip. For each session students spend an hour in the Multilingual Laboratory participating in a series of cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional tasks and questionnaires. The goal is to measure any significant change due to their abroad experiences. Understanding what factors maximize these gains can help provide guidance for increasing the impact of education abroad programs.

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Do Cognitive, Linguistic, and Socio-emotional Skills Improve After Studying Abroad?

Research has shown that studying abroad programs have the potential to enhance cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional skills. The Multilingual Laboratory is collaborating with the Education Abroad office at Eastern Kentucky University to evaluate students’ performance before and after their experience abroad. Our goal is to better understand what skills are most influenced by immersive programs in a foreign country. We also aim to quantify how much each skill is affected by these experiences and what factors maximize these gains. In this longitudinal study students are tested twice, once before traveling abroad and once after they come back from their trip. For each session students spend an hour in the Multilingual Laboratory participating in a series of cognitive, linguistic, and socio-emotional tasks and questionnaires. The goal is to measure any significant change due to their abroad experiences. Understanding what factors maximize these gains can help provide guidance for increasing the impact of education abroad programs.