University Presentation Showcase: Graduate Poster Gallery

Creation Date
January 2022
Recreation & Park Administration
Recreation and Park Administration
Jon McChesney
Mentor Department
Recreation and Park Administration
Even before the global pandemic social isolation and loneliness were at epidemic levels. We have constant connection to people but we are missing the meaningful connections that in person socialization provides. It is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected recreation and the ways people recreate since 2020. Now the question is how has COVID-19 impacted recreation and what does that mean for the recreation industry? This research examined the COVID-19 global pandemic and social isolation in an industry where social interaction is a primary outcome. COVID-19 had an impact on both individual’s mental and physical health. Litwiller and associates (2017) discussed the benefits physical activity has on mental and social health. The social benefits that were included: the creation of social connections, opportunities for social connections, expanded social networks, change in social skills, and social inclusion. Individuals are avoiding crowds, their desire for leisure has changed, and they have started planning their recreational pursuits ahead of time. What does this mean for the future of recreation? Recreation departments should function as information hubs for their community. Rather than creating a lot of programming themselves departments should assist organizations in distributing information about programs that are already being offered within the community. Recreation departments then can make sure their programming is deliberate and can fill the gaps in the programming that is already happening within their communities making sure to target individuals that are experiencing social isolation.