"Sedentary Behaviors and Physical Activity in Relation to Class Standin" by Codie Monhollen

Date of Award

January 2015

Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Exercise and Sport Science

First Advisor

Lousia A. Summers

Department Affiliation

Exercise and Sport Science

Second Advisor

Jack Rutherford

Department Affiliation

Exercise and Sport Science

Third Advisor

Matthew J. Sabin

Department Affiliation

Exercise and Sport Science


The researcher studied sedentary behaviors and physical activity (PA) of university students in relation to class standings. Participants were 294 university students for the Sedentary Behavior Questionnaire (SBQ) and 264 students for the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) selected from the College of Health Sciences. Sedentary Behaviors were analyzed using the SBQ, consisting of 9 behavior items, separated into weekday and weekend behavior. Additionally, PA was assessed using the IPAQ. On average students spent 37hr in sedentary behaviors during a normal 5 day week. Statistical significance was found between class standing for playing computer/video games, paperwork/computer, and transportation for weekday sedentary behaviors. Significance was also noted for gender differences within the SBQ and IPAQ. On average all students meet the weekly recommended amount of physical activity according to American Heart Association and American College of Sports Medicine. This study provided the first objective measure of time spent in physical activity and sedentary behaviors in relation to class standing and indicates that certain behaviors change over time as demands increase on the student.
