"Preparation And Characterization Of Self-Assembled Monolayers And Meso" by Panae Noomuna

Date of Award

January 2015

Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)



First Advisor

Pei Gao

Department Affiliation


Second Advisor

Margaret W. Ndinguri

Department Affiliation


Third Advisor

Martin L. Brock

Department Affiliation



Bottom-up approach was used to develop self-assembled monolayers of octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) and undecenyltrichlorosilane(UTS) on Si(100) wafer. Undecenyltrichlorosilane monolayer was oxidized at the vinyl terminal to generate a carboxylic acid group. Lysozyme protein was immobilized on the polar carboxylic acid group. The developed protein patterns were investigated using fluorescence microscopy. Lysozyme has an isoelectronic point of 11.35. At a pH below this value the protein is positively charged making it a good candidate for electrostatic adsorption on the negatively charge -COO- group. Fluorescence images confirm formation of lysozyme across the silicon wafer. The patterned Si(100) wafer can be used as a biosensor against lysozyme antibodies.

Another approach to develop varied surface properties was used to grow OTS on oxidized UTSox via chemical phase deposition (CVD). In this case we used polystyrene and silicon nanospheres as masking agents on the already developed and oxidized UTS. Fluorescence images revealed that OTS layers were formed on the interstitial spaces of the nanosphere masks. Varied protein can be immobilized on this surface due to different terminal groups on the surface.

Included in

Chemistry Commons
