"Hidden Weather and Other Stories" by Lydia K. Sanders

Hidden Weather and Other Stories

Date of Award

January 2019

Degree Type

Closed Access Thesis

Document Type

Master Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


English and Theatre

First Advisor

Nancy Jensen

Department Affiliation

English and Theatre

Second Advisor

Julie Hensley

Department Affiliation

English and Theatre

Third Advisor

R. Dean Johnson

Department Affiliation

English and Theatre


This project includes 10 stories, some of which contain related characters, and many of which make use of various devices and tropes of the magic realist tradition. It’s important to note that all of my stories express an attitude toward reality that is in keeping with Magical Realism: the attitude that reality contains elements of magic—and that this is not really remarkable or odd. Magical Realism, as these stories serve to demonstrate, is fundamentally a realistic tradition, albeit one that includes elements of the mystical, mythical, fantastic, grotesque, or just plain weird—and those elements are presented as innate, as part of reality.

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