"Effective Strategies for Recruiting African American Males into Teache" by Fredrick Wellington Snodgrass

Date of Award

January 2021

Degree Type

Open Access Dissertation

Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Educational Leadership and Policy Studies

First Advisor

Wardell Johnson

Department Affiliation

Exercise and Sport Science

Second Advisor

Norman W. Powell

Department Affiliation

Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership


In today’s society, the teaching workforce should be more diverse. However, it still consists of majority white females. From a survey reported by Education Week in 2017-2018, the teaching workforce consisted of 79.2% white teachers. The same data reported that the teaching workforce consists of 7% African-Americans (Will, 2020). From that 7% of African-Americans, African-American males consists of 2% of the teaching workforce (Bell, 2017). Some school districts are seeking to attract more minority teachers to reflect their student demographics. In 2018, data reported from statista.com shows the following student demographics in K-12 public schools across the U.S.: 47% White, 15.1% African-American, and 27.2% Hispanic (statista.com, 2018). In order to diversify the teaching workforce to reflect the student demographics, some underlying issues need to be addressed.

Before the 1954 Brown Decision, the teacher workforce consisted of more than 30 % African-American males. Today according to numerous research articles, the teacher workforce consists of 2% African-American males (Bell, 2017). The question I ask myself as a researcher is ”What happened to the African-American male teacher pipeline?” I seek to explore the factors contributing to the decline in African-American male teachers from 1954 to the present.
