"Calling All Cast Members: Elevating Material Objects and Ambient Envir" by Tara Michelle Pulaski

Date of Award


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Gerald Nachtwey


Material rhetoric and ambient rhetoric frameworks offer a unique lens to view the materiality in early modern drama. Using these principles, as well as Actor-Network Theory and Affect Theory, objects and environments can be elevated to non-human actors in a play’s rhetorical situation. Arden of Faversham engages heavily with the material world at every level of the play, making it a prime candidate for such an analysis. The material objects, ambient environments, and geographical places in Arden of Faversham remain so crucial that they become non-human rhetorical actors, complimenting and complicating the human actors. The play cannot be severed from the material. A methodology called Non-Human Actor Elevation is used to detail the importance of non-human actors in Arden of Faversham.
