"First-Year Writing Ungraded Study At Eastern Kentucky University" by Kaitlynn Elizabeth Moody

Date of Award


Degree Type

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



First Advisor

Dominic Ashby


Ungrading helps defocus the need for a grade within a classroom by helping students focus more on the feedback they receive within their First-Year Writing program. Ungrading uses self-assessments, grade rubrics, contracts, minimal grading, and portfolios to help give students feedback without the need for a grade on an assignment. By having instructors use Ungrading students can better accept feedback and strengthen their writing without the fear of failing the course. The study conducted at Eastern Kentucky University, which uses a Google questionnaire and interviews of students and instructors, has highlighted how beneficial Ungrading is to students and instructors. Teachers can create an environment where students have more agency, and motivation, and can focus on information more than a traditional graded classroom. Instructors have also identified how successful Ungrading has been in their course and give recommendations to other instructors who wish to utilize this method in the classroom.
