"Is subtribe Solidagininae (Asteraceae) monophyletic?" by James B. Beck, Guy L. Nesom et al.

Is subtribe Solidagininae (Asteraceae) monophyletic?

Author ORCID Identifier

Patrick CalieORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-3705-4742


Biological Sciences

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As currently delimited, Solidagininae are a large (approximately 190 species) subtribe of tribe Astereae. Recent molecular and morphological studies have prompted a new definition of the subtribe, but the lack of absolute morphological synapomorphies raises the possibility that this assemblage may not be monophyletic. Cladistic and likelihood­based analyses were conducted on a nuclear rDNA ITS sequence dataset derived from 23 of the 24 genera included in recent Solidagininae circumscriptions. Cladistic analyses identified two clades entirely composed of proposed Solidagininae genera. The data were not able to support deeper relationships, and these two clades might or might not form one monophyletic lineage. Topology testing indicated compatibility between the taxonomic definition of Solidagininae and molecular data.

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