"Students Who Are Deaf with Additional Disabilities: Does Educational L" by Christina M. Borders, Jareen Meinzen-Derr et al.

Students Who Are Deaf with Additional Disabilities: Does Educational Label Impact Language Services?

Author ORCID Identifier

Dusty EmburyORCID iD iconhttps://orcid.org/0000-0001-7641-8612


Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership

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With a high rate of additional learning needs in children with permanent hearing loss, this study sought to understand their educational and support needs. School information on 62 children with varying degrees of hearing loss attending an urban public school during a 5-year period was analysed to understand types and amounts of services over time. Individualized Education Programs and Multifactored Evaluation Plans reported the number of minutes provided by various providers, the types of services provided, and the goals set for each student. Although all students had a documented hearing loss, the services and intensity of services varied widely based on primary educational label. This is characterized by changes in goals, services, and intensity (minutes provided) from one year to the next if a child experienced an educational label change. Implications are far reaching for educators and administrators regarding determination of educational label for students with comorbid conditions.

Journal Title

Deafness & Education International

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