
This review presents a comprehensive exploration of the positive psychological effects of video games, challenging prevalent negative stereotypes. It explains how video games contribute to the cognitive enhancement of problem-solving abilities and improve working memory. Moreover, the emergence of Video Game Therapy is discussed, highlighting its potential as an extension of traditional therapy by providing a virtual platform for individuals to confront and manage complex emotions in a controlled setting. Additionally, video games are shown to enhance well-being by fostering self-determination, empathy, social interaction, and stress relief. Notably, beloved titles like The Legend of Zelda are cited as prime examples of games that offer immersive narratives and meaningful experiences. Furthermore, the review examines how game developers strategically incorporate psychological themes to create immersive gameplay experiences that promote flow states. Despite concerns surrounding violent content, the review emphasizes the prevalence of positive psychological elements in video games, advocating for a nuanced perspective. Ultimately, it emphasizes the significant potential of video games as tools for cognitive development, therapeutic intervention, and overall well-being.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 2024


Dr. Matthew P. Winslow

Mentor Department Affiliation


Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



