
Since the invention of the first automobile, more than one hundred and thirty-six years ago, the amount of people owning or traveling via automobiles has grown substantially. Over time, the automotive industry has continued to grow into a massive organization delivering vehicles to consumers everywhere. To understand how the automotive industry has evolved over the years, one must look at the various aspects that go into creating the parts needed for each vehicle. Understanding how effective supplier relationships affect supply chain performance begins with buyers who can efficiently select adequate suppliers. Once a buyer can do so, they then must establish strategies that will maintain and develop those relationships. Buyer-supplier relationship management is critical to supply chain performance in that companies that engage in collaborative buyer-supplier relationships have higher value chain profitability. This study aimed to explain how buyers can drive supply chain performance through selected suppliers while continuously improving upon the overall production of each individual automobile.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 2024


Dr. James Kirby Easterling

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



