"How Grading Systems, Classroom Management, and External Factors Affect" by McKenzie L. Carrier


The idea of motivation in the classroom is one that often ends up with the students who are often motivated by external factors rather than internal ones. Research increasingly demonstrates how this idea of extrinsic motivation has affected students, but intrinsic motivation is more effective for students in a long-term setting. This study will examine the influence of grading contracts and traditional grading on undergraduate students’ sense of motivation in their college ENG 102/102R classes by understanding how students define success, and their level of likeness to being motivated with a grading system. The researcher created and distributed an original survey to 6 ENG102/102R classes (3 with grading contracts and 3 with traditional grading) at Eastern Kentucky University (EKU), collecting a total of 59 responses. The study found that while students are equally motivated by traditional grading and grading contracts, grading contracts are on the rise to being just as motivating or more motivating with time.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 11-29-2024


Heather Fox

Mentor Department Affiliation


Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

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