
With recent budget cuts, evaluations of federally-funded programs have become a necessity in the eyes of many government official and citizens alike. Since Upward Bound has budget that is several hundred million dollars, it has fallen under great scrutiny and questioning in regard to effectiveness in recent years. However, programs such as Upward Bound are essential for students who do not typically have access to postsecondary education without assistance programs. Students from low-income families and families from which neither parent has a college degree especially need Upward Bound and similar programs in order to stand a chance of being successful in their collegiate experience. This thesis explores the effectiveness of Upward Bound programs across the United States based on several previously conducted research studies. Although some of the findings are varied, results from these studies almost always indicated that Upward Bound programs are indeed effective. However, this is sometimes only proven after errors are accounted for and data collection mistakes have been rectified. Nevertheless, Upward Bound has a well-deserved reputation for improving the lives of numerous students across the nation. After nearly fifty years of support and federal funding, Upward Bound seems to prove its worth over and over again.

Semester/Year of Award

Winter 2013


Margaret Yoder

Mentor Department Affiliation

Mathematics and Statistics

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Mathematics and Statistics
