
The purpose of this honors thesis is to bring attention to a biofuel resource that could make a significant impact on replacing our use of fossil fuels. Through the use of our depleting fossil fuels carbon dioxide and pollution levels are higher than they have ever been. Many different types of energy, as well as many different types of biofuels have been considered as replacements. But, in this thesis the focus is on how algae could significantly impact stopping the use of fossil fuels because it can be used for biodiesel and energy. There are many positive implications of using algae as well as negative. Also through this thesis I will explain that through undergraduate research it was found that when the algae species Chlorella Protothecoides is grown in nitrogen deficient media versus nitrogen sufficient media the algae is in lipid producing conditions. A total of 22 genes were found to be up regulated in these conditions while there were 19 genes that were down regulated. This research could be significant if trying to grow algae in different conditions because it allows the identification of these genes to determine if the algae is in lipid producing conditions. This will help when trying to grow algae for biofuel production.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 12-10-2013


Jonathan A. Austad

Mentor Department Affiliation

Languages, Cultures, and Humanities

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Biological Sciences
