
This study reviews emergent literacy, instructional techniques (specifically dialogic reading), and how involved different professionals are with literacy instruction with young children. Because little research has been done regarding shared book reading practices in the daycare setting, a mixed methods research design was utilized in order to determine the scale dialogic reading prompts are used during shared book reading by daycare instructors and their beliefs about early literacy. Analysis of the qualitative and quantitative data collected revealed three key themes: narrow view of literacy, limited understanding of early literacy instruction, and value of literacy. In other words, the participants believe that literacy is very important in giving children the skills they need to learn to read when they enter kindergarten but their instruction is contained to only two of the five areas of literacy. The results show that it is important for additional trainings and educational opportunities specific to literacy be offered to daycare instructors. This would require other professionals with a more extensive knowledge, such as special education teachers, reading specialists, or speech-language pathologists, to collaborate with daycare instructors by conducting workshops or coming into their facility and observing or demonstrating techniques to facilitate literacy skills. Teaching children these skills early will reduce the number of children who experience reading difficulties so that they can be more successful in their academic careers.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 2016


Kellie C. Ellis

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Special Education

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership

Department Name when Degree Awarded

Special Education

IRB Approval Number (if applicable)

