

An Analysis of the National Standards Movement in Secondary Education, its Effectiveness, and its Implementation in School Systems in the Future.

Taylor Moore

Dr. Melinda Wilder, Department of Curriculum & Instruction

In recent years the system of education in the United States has been shifting towards the focus of college and career readiness. The creation of both the Common Core and Next Generation Science standards brought the concept of uniform student education expectations across the country. These movements worked to create standards within their respective content areas that provided quality education for all students while increasing rigor in the classroom and preparing students for post-secondary life. There are a variety of student learner types within the classroom. Student learning can be affected by factors such as economic status, familial support, and special education status. To properly move forward with the implementation of the Common Core and Next Generation Science standards, strategies must be in place to adapt lessons for all types of students’ needs. Certain strategies could include a flipped classroom or the implementation of technology. Teachers must work to be aware of the specific needs of their students as there may be one or more factor working negatively against a student’s pursuit for success after high school. Teachers, families, and school systems can increase their involvement in this process to support students through this difficult life transition out of high school.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 2018


Melinda S. Wilder

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Curriculum and Instruction

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Biological Sciences
