
Poverty is a persistent cycle that plagues the United States, but specifically Eastern Kentucky. This is especially evident within the school districts there. This data was collected in order to help highlight the magnitude of poverty within Eastern Kentucky and its’ impact on the academic success of the students. When analyzing data from the Kentucky School Report Card from the 2016-2017 school year, twenty-four counties were identified as having at least 75% of the student population within the district qualifying for free & reduced lunch. After the identification of those twenty-four counties, the elementary K-Prep Proficiency and Distinguished scores for both Math and Reading for each district were collected. Then each school district was contacted by phone and asked a set of interview questions pertaining to poverty. After receiving feedback from an individual within the district, the answers to the questions were analyzed for trends. The data collected was compared and contrasted to the best research-based practices according to multiple peer-reviewed sources. Information from both the data from the school districts and the literature review were utilized to formulate the most effective interventions that schools should use to allow their students to be successful academically.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 12-12-2018


Ginni C. Fair

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Curriculum and Instruction

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership

Department Name when Degree Awarded

Curriculum and Instruction
