
At the time of the 2016 general elections, coal jobs in the Untied States had dramatically decreased while food stamp recipients had dramatically increased. As a result, Americans looked to a solution to the apparent economic decline in the United States. After the biggest political upset in United States history, political scientist have attempted to explain why voters overwhelmingly selected Donald Trump to be the 45th President of the nation. From concepts such as the Female Presidentiality Paradox to economic hardships, experts in the field have attempted to explain the 2016 election results. Prevalent among voters and political scientist alike, is the ideal that inherent racism embedded into the American culture played a significant role in the results of the 2016 election. After examining the use of explicit and implicit racism in Donald Trump’s campaign, it can be argued that voters who harbor explicit racism and anti-minority views are more likely to support Trump and that voters who supported Trump in the 2016 general elections would be more likely to support acts of explicit racism. This research utilizes the Critical Race Theory to determine the relationship between racism and anti-minority sentiment on the election of Donald Trump. Through analysis of the American National Election Study, we find that at the foundation of support for President Donald Trump are voters who harbor explicit racism and anti-minority views.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 12-7-2018


Randall D. Swain

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Government and Economics

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level




Department Name when Degree Awarded

Government and Economics
