"Rhythms and Reading: Applying Literacy to the Music Classroom" by Makenzie M. Davis


This research project seeks to demonstrate how literacy pedagogy can be used to teach music in the context of a music classroom. Born of the increased emphasis on literacy-based instruction in public schools, all teachers, regardless of primary content area, are expected to aid in the mission of teaching reading skills to all students. Oftentimes, teachers will forego their content area lessons in order to strictly teach a lesson on reading skills. Music teachers must be equipped to teach literacy within their music classroom without damaging the integrity of their music content lessons. Through comparative research, the project will parallel literacy skills with music literacy skills and explore how to integrate literacy pedagogy in the music classroom. The research will be applied through sample lesson plans that implement both literacy and music literacy components in the areas of phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, and composition. Lesson plans are standards based according to National Music Standards and English-Language Arts Common Core State Standards. This project will equip music educators with resources and examples that demonstrate literacy integration in a music classroom, maintain the integrity of music content, and foster conceptual connections between reading and music that will teach students to read and write music more effectively.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 2019


Timothy D. Wiggins

Mentor Professional Affiliation


Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



