
This study sought to determine the care experience of children with Sensory Processing disorder; more specifically, the extent of collaboration and satisfaction that exists among the stakeholders in their care. To assess satisfaction with care and cohesion among providers, a survey and accompanying interview questions were utilized to gage the individual insights of professionals surrounding the care experience of this population of children. 19 educators and 6 health care professionals, including occupational therapists, child life specialists, and a speech-language pathologist, completed the survey and interview. Together, these instruments provided both qualitative and quantitative data in conjunction with the research questions. It was hypothesized that a lack of cohesiveness between disciplines leads to poor provider perceptions, ultimately interfering with a holistic health care experience for children with SPD. The hypothesis was partially confirmed. This is due to the combined high satisfaction with care scores among educators and healthcare providers, but also the accompanying discrepancies that were expressed regarding several features of care. This study exposes several gaps in care that exist among various providers, such as uncertain coordinated delivery of service. More research surrounding care for children with sensory conditions needs to be established to further address ways to bridge these gaps.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 5-5-2019


Noah Neidlinger

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Family and Consumer Sciences

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Applied Human Sciences

Department Name when Degree Awarded

Family and Consumer Sciences

IRB Approval Number (if applicable)


VickersSurvey.jpg (59 kB)
Satisfaction with Care Survey

VickersInterview1.jpg (48 kB)
Health Care Provider Interview

VickersInterview2.jpg (46 kB)
Child Care Provider Interview
