
More than likely, a child will encounter a medical or educational professional to help them throughout their educational career sometime in their lives. Speech-language pathologists regularly see students from general education classrooms to special education classrooms. However, some disorders require multiple professionals to work as a team to ensure the child is functioning appropriately for his/her age. Selective mutism is a childhood anxiety disorder that causes such anxiety to the point where the child is unable to speak. Due to this being a frequent misdiagnosed disorder, a team of professionals is required to treat it. For this study, graduate students from the Clinical Psychology program and Communication Disorders program at Eastern Kentucky University were surveyed to discover their knowledge and confidence with their treatment practices in the past for those affected by Selective mutism. Hopefully, these preservice professionals will either feel confident treating this anxiety disorder or take this survey as reminder as to how important it is to continue researching Selective mutism for the generations to come.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 12-9-2019


Myra Beth Bundy

Mentor Professional Affiliation


Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership

Department Name when Degree Awarded

Special Education

IRB Approval Number (if applicable)

