
Parent involvement can be defined as many things. In today’s world parents are constantly being pulled in all directions from work to taking their children to soccer practice. However, many parents are not truly involved in their child’s lives. Parents are present for dinners and TV time but they are not asking about school or what is going on in their child’s life outside the home. Parent involvement is crucial to a child’s development and school success. Parents need to realize that by simply being involved in their child’s life, they can help with academic success, psychological well-being and healthier stress levels. Different parenting styles allow for different types of parent involvement. These different styles can also play a role in a student’s academic success and how they manage their stress. Simply talking with a child can make them feel that their parent is involved and interested in their life. Students also feel that when parents help with homework, they are trying to make sure that they are achieving academic success. This paper reports on findings of how parent involvement can benefit a child and what all is needed to be considered parent involvement.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 2012


Lisa N. Gannoe

Mentor Department Affiliation

Family and Consumer Sciences

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Applied Human Sciences

Department Name when Degree Awarded

Family and Consumer Sciences
