
The Multiple Intelligences theory has been used to modify lessons in the traditional classroom for years. Incorporating this intelligence theory into lesson plans, teachers address students various learning abilities. However, this educational theory can also be used to improve students’ strengths in intelligence areas they are not proficient in. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with autism with social deficits due to their developmental disorder. Autism spectrum disorder can negatively impact various cognitive elements of an individual’s life, but it primarily affects an individual’s social skills and interpersonal intelligence. One of the most prominent solutions to improving social skills for students with autism is including them into general classroom environments with peers who are non-disabled. Though this can prove to be a challenge in the traditional classroom, the non-traditional classroom offers more opportunities for inclusion and success. Through the use of inclusion in environments such as the music classroom, students with autism are able to develop multiple intelligences at once, including interpersonal intelligence. Orff Shulwerk is a music education method that, after significant research, has shown to address all eight areas of intelligence at once. This method can reach out to students that excel in every intelligence category as well as benefit students with autism.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 5-4-2020


Julie H. Rutland

Mentor Department Affiliation

Special Education

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level





