
The concept of assistance in dying goes back to the ancient Greco-Roman world, but it is still a topic of much debate today. This paper attempts to address this debate by completing a thorough examination of the topic of assisted dying in America. It begins with a thorough examination of assisted dying through the legal lense of the United States Constitution and court decisions, moves into an analysis and rebuttal of common objections regarding assisted dying, and examines assisted dying regulations around the world in order to examine what qualities are important in developing assisted dying regulations, along with what should be avoided. Through this analysis and the legal conclusion that assisted dying is, in fact, constitutional, this paper finally structures the outline for a plan of regulations that should be included in the legalization of assisted suicide in the Unites States in order to make sure that the process is implemented in a way that allows for freedom, autonomy, and equality to be properly maintained. Assisted dying is much more than an impersonal debate, however. It’s a human issue. The hope is that this paper would convince readers and legislators that the legalization of assistance in dying is necessary not only from a legal standpoint, but from the human standpoint of allowing those who are suffering to die a humane and peaceful death on their own terms.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 2020


Christina Dewhurst

Mentor Department Affiliation

Justice Studies

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Justice Studies


