
There is an evident deficit in oral health care of individuals with special health care needs. This deficit is in the ability to receive treatment from trained dental providers, as well as receiving adequate preventative care from caregivers or having the knowledge and skill to administer the care themselves. An overall lack of education and adequate training is a key factor to this insufficiency. The lack of education and clinical training of dental providers while in school and the lack of knowledge and skill caregivers have results in negative communication and experiences between the provider and the patient. The community of individuals with special health care needs require distinct methods of care as many have physical or mental strains that require an adaptive treatment plan and willingness to administer unique treatment. In this work, the discussion is directed towards the vitality of accessible caregiver training in the near future. Necessary steps are being taken to provide training to caregivers, but the accessibility factor is a major drawback to these trainings as it limits the participants. Accessible caregiver training will decrease this deficit of care, while increasing the overall oral health of the community of individuals with special health care needs.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 2020


Patrick J. Calie

Mentor Department Affiliation

Biological Sciences

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Biological Sciences

Formatted Final Honors Thesis - ER.docx (531 kB)
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Correlation between systemic conditions and the oral health burdens that can arise (Thikkurissy and Lal, 2009).

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Percentage of global population living with a moderate to severe disability (Faulks, et al. 2012).

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Comparison of diligence and self-efficacy of caregivers pre-training and post-training (Pradhan, et al. 2016).

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Self-reported knowledge, confidence, and skill levels of caregivers’ pre-treatment and post-treatment (Pradhan, et al. 2016).

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Flossing report of caregivers immediately following training and three months post-training (Fickert and Ross, 2012).

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Tooth brushing report of caregivers immediately following training and three months post-training (Fickert and Ross, 2012).

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Suctioning report of caregivers immediately following training and three months post-training (Fickert and Ross, 2012).

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The future in decreasing the deficit of oral health care in individuals with special health care needs.
