"Who is in Power and How it Affects Your Taxes" by Martin A. Watts


The affects of politics on how much a taxpayer will pay in taxes is often talked about with little research to back it up. The research in this study was meant to aid taxpayers in predicting change in future tax acts according to who they elect. The questions this research attempted to answer are: “To what extent do the elected officials of the U.S. Government impact tax changes?” and “Is there a difference in the impact each part has?” It was found that the changes implemented by the government is affected by experience of the President, party of the political composition of the government, and by the government being occupied by the same party. According to my research, the President is more likely to make changes to the tax policy during the first two years of his term. This goes against what may be thought that Presidents try to make changes before they are up for reelection. The party of congress does matter because all Democrat compositions raised taxes more than all Republican compositions. Though, taxes were only raised when the composition was the same party, meaning gridlock of parties has more of an effect than we know. These trends found in the data that was collected can be used to aid in predicting the future tax changes.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 5-3-2021


Laura R. Barthel

Mentor Department Affiliation

Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level




Department Name when Degree Awarded

Accounting, Finance, and Information Systems
