
This thesis explores the claim that science fiction has influenced technological development in a way that it would not have naturally progressed otherwise. Research was done in three parts; the first section explores the direct impact that science fiction can have on inventors, the second examines the evolution of science fiction and how technological innovation interacts with this trend, and the third looks at the cultural and social influences on technology caused by science fiction. The research cumulates into a novella titled Don’t Forget Me While I Sleep. This novella explores the lives of Rose Adams, an immortal woman, and Ambrose, an android, through the fragmented memory of Ambrose. The story focuses on the subtle effects of science fiction in history. It also invents a harsh example that Rose and Ambrose have to overcome the immediate effects of. The theme of technological development due to fictional influences can be seen as a background to Rose’s long life but also through Rose herself as Star Trek’s Data is a prime reason for her creation of Ambrose. This novella also contains a certain level of world commentary, as does most science fiction. While the commentary is not the point of the novella, it does help to end the novella with a message of hope that the characters were able to make it through.

Semester/Year of Award

Spring 5-3-2021


Mason Smith

Mentor Department Affiliation

English and Theatre

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Computer Science and Information Technology

Department Name when Degree Awarded

Computer Science



Don't Forget Me While I Sleep.docx (223 kB)
Hannah Edwards's Spring 2021 creative project: a novella

EdwardsFigure1.JPG (18 kB)
The figure from the process statement
