For my thesis I will research the accuracy of lip reading. Sometimes when interacting with someone who is deaf, a hearing person might assume that the deaf person can read lips. This can create an expectation of the hearing person as well as difficulty communicating between both parties. The research will contain interviews from deaf or hard of hearing people to understand their opinions and experiences with lip reading as well as contain information from different studies on lip reading accuracy. For some deaf or hard of hearing people, lip reading may or may not be a preferred way of communication. Lip reading alone is not very accurate.
Semester/Year of Award
Fall 12-4-2021
Katie Moore
Mentor Department Affiliation
American Sign Language and Interpreter Education
Access Options
Closed Access Thesis
Document Type
Bachelor Thesis
Degree Name
Honors Scholars
Degree Level
Language and Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology
Department Name when Degree Awarded
Languages, Cultures, and Humanities
Recommended Citation
Kluesener, Anna, "To Lip Read Or Not To Lip Read" (2021). Honors Theses. 842.
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