Abstract description: Pollinator populations are declining, leading to a global issue. This is due to human interference through intense agricultural production, habitat fragmentation, and pesticide use. Pollinators, mostly insects, are important for the reproductive success of plants and also provide many other benefits to humans like helping produce the foods we commonly eat. To be able to survive, pollinators need to have proper shelter and nectar. One way to supplement these needs for pollinators is creating pollinator gardens. Pollinator gardens should include a mix of trees, shrubs, and flowers that have large nectar rewards and are species that are preferred by pollinators to encourage more visits by pollinators. Creating pollinator gardens allows humans to be able to support pollinators and help them produce more generations to help the issue with declining populations. Education is also a crucial part of pollinator preservation. Most people are unaware of the benefits of pollinators and are unconcerned with the thought of living without them. Some ways to educate the public are through conferences, education booths at events, nature centers and implementing lesson plans in schools. Through education and awareness, along with the creation of pollinator gardens, there is hope for the conservation and growth of pollinator populations for generations to come.
Semester/Year of Award
Fall 11-28-2021
Jacob C. Domenghini
Mentor Department Affiliation
Access Options
Open Access Thesis
Document Type
Bachelor Thesis
Degree Name
Honors Scholars
Degree Level
Recommended Citation
Lee, Emma, "Pollinator Gardens and Their Significance" (2021). Honors Theses. 872.
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