"The Shadow of Fast Fashion: The Quilting Industry" by Elizabeth Y. Barnes


The purpose behind this creative research project is to bring the contemporary quilting industry to attention when discussing environmental concerns that are typically associated with the textile industry. Quilting, despite its origins in inadvertent conservatism, has evolved into a consumerist business that can be most adequately compared to that of fast fashion. Through analysis of the different types of fibers, manufacturing processes, and environmental implications, an extensive background of the textile industry was given so that the consequences discussed later in the paper can be fully realized. By comparing examples of need-based quilting, like the quilts of Gee’s Bend, to their contemporary counterparts, this project highlights the paradoxical relationship between quilting and the environment. Alongside this research, a breadth of creative works was also made to further highlight the environmental implications of quilting, as well as the textile industry as a whole.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 11-28-2022


Melissa Vandenberg

Mentor Department Affiliation

Art and Design

Access Options

Open Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Art and Design
