"iTeacher: How Teachers Can Effectively Use Technology in High School C" by Caroline E. Schack


Technology use in high schools is increasing every school year as technology continues to evolve to fit students’ educational needs. Technology in education can make content more engaging, memorable, and enjoyable for students. However, technology can also distract and confuse students. Even though many teachers use technology in their classrooms, oftentimes they inadvertently introduce more problems than they solve. Research has shown that schools face school-wide technology integration issues when they do not revise mission statements to include technology, properly train teachers to use technology, or align technology with students’ interests. Ultimately, lack of communication between school faculty causes most technology integration issues. In response to technology integration issues, many teachers took to the internet to communicate with others (via blog posts, podcasts, seminars, etc.) about different technology integration methods they attempted in their classrooms and the results of their attempts. These teachers report that methods such as incorporating pop culture and relatable content, gamifying classrooms, and providing creative opportunities have guided their students through technology use and made class more engaging.

Semester/Year of Award

Fall 2022


Lisa L. Moore

Mentor Professional Affiliation

Director of Student Technology Services & IT Communication at EKU

Access Options

Restricted Access Thesis

Document Type

Bachelor Thesis

Degree Name

Honors Scholars

Degree Level



Teaching, Learning, and Educational Leadership


