

Life Sciences


Abstract: Regenerative medicine is an emerging field of the healthcare industry that has the potential to treat a myriad of health conditions. Induced pluripotent stem cells, human embryonic stem cells, and tissue engineering are a few of the treatment methods that may be delivered by healthcare professionals in personalized medicine. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval is necessary within the United States before any of these treatment options are available. Specific cellular therapies are currently undergoing clinical trials and it may be years before approval is acquired. The National Institute of Health is proactively working to ensure that healthcare policies, costs, regulations, protocols, and provisions are implemented to ensure that risks are minimized in the case of FDA approval. Regenerative rehabilitation will improve traditional healthcare delivery, increasing health, function, and quality of life for patients with a variety of conditions.

Mentor Name

Dr. Renee Causey-Upton

Mentor Email

