Graduation Year


Document Type


Degree Type


Degree Name

Doctor in Psychology (Psy. D.)


The current project aimed to analyze the potential that Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training (DBT-ST) could have on the student-athlete population. The project necessitated a research exploration of both DBT and sports psychology treatment. This was accomplished by searching Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) Library’s extensive databases, such as Academic Search Complete, PsycINFO, SportDISCUS, and Psycharticles. Considerations are discussed on athlete-specific concerns, such as stigma, athlete cultural views on mental health, eating disorders, coping through injury, and performance anxiety. Current sport psychology interventions are reviewed, and they are compared with the efficacy of DBT treatment literature. Similarities in sport psychology interventions and DBT-ST are drawn on to point future researchers towards studying DBT-ST and its effectiveness in treating athlete concerns. The research discussed is then used to create a framework for an adapted DBT skills training group for athletes.

Faculty Mentor

Melinda Moore, PhD

Department Affiliation


Committee Member

Michael McClellan, PhD

Department Affiliation


Committee Member

Theresa Botts, PhD

Department Affiliation


Included in

Psychology Commons
