Enhancing High-Impact Educational Practice through an ePortfolio Bootcamp Model

Presenter Hometown

Ilpendam, The Netherlands


Physical Education: Sports Administration


Exercise and Sport Science




Russell Carpenter; Jennifer Fairchild

Mentor Department



This poster examines high-impact educational practices, specifically common intellectual experiences, through an ePortfolio bootcamp model. In this educational collaboration, the Department of Communication’s CMS 495, Communication, Leadership, and Change, course and Noel Studio at Eastern Kentucky University developed a sustained partnership during the fall 2015 semester that had a significant impact on teaching and learning experiences, as this poster will show. The result was a series of workshops that provide students with the background and planning skills that contribute to the design of an effective professional online persona. Guided by the previous research of Carpenter, Apostel, & Hyndman (2012) as they examined the process of embedding workshops for ePortfolio design in communication-intensive courses, this educational practice focused on enhancing the visual, written, and oral communication skills of students. This poster will share the researchers’ ePortfolio rubric along with rubric dimensions, and appraisal of students’ final projects. Importantly, the poster will feature specific suggestions for future instructors and research that factored in the success of this collaboration to enhance the teaching and learning experience.

Presentation format


Poster Number




Enhancing High-Impact Educational Practice through an ePortfolio Bootcamp Model

This poster examines high-impact educational practices, specifically common intellectual experiences, through an ePortfolio bootcamp model. In this educational collaboration, the Department of Communication’s CMS 495, Communication, Leadership, and Change, course and Noel Studio at Eastern Kentucky University developed a sustained partnership during the fall 2015 semester that had a significant impact on teaching and learning experiences, as this poster will show. The result was a series of workshops that provide students with the background and planning skills that contribute to the design of an effective professional online persona. Guided by the previous research of Carpenter, Apostel, & Hyndman (2012) as they examined the process of embedding workshops for ePortfolio design in communication-intensive courses, this educational practice focused on enhancing the visual, written, and oral communication skills of students. This poster will share the researchers’ ePortfolio rubric along with rubric dimensions, and appraisal of students’ final projects. Importantly, the poster will feature specific suggestions for future instructors and research that factored in the success of this collaboration to enhance the teaching and learning experience.