Encompass - University Presentation Showcase Event: Identifying Visitor Opinions Related to White Nose Syndrome in Tennessee

Identifying Visitor Opinions Related to White Nose Syndrome in Tennessee


Recreation and Park Administration


Recreation and Park Administration




Michael J. Bradley

Mentor Department

Recreation and Park Administration


Within the general public people who visit parks or other natural areas hopefully get educated. These topics could be about natural, historical, or cultural world. One particularly that is of interest in the southeast is White Nose Syndrome. This illness is deadly to bats and could be detrimental to the entire ecosystem. Through the use of the surveys and recent research of professionals, this study will determine if the public is obtaining an education on the issue of White Nose Syndrome.

The belief is that the public is not receiving a sufficient education pertaining to White Nose Syndrome within this area of Tennessee. Data has been gathered through surveys from visitors that have visited caves in the South Cumberland area. The surveys have shown that the public is not well informed on the topic of White Nose Syndrome.

From this study, surveys confirm that the public is not acquiring a sufficient education about White Nose Syndrome. Steps must be taken to educate visitors and the general public. Advertising information in high traffic areas on and off park/ natural areas through signs, social media, and in person interpretation will assist in educating the public.

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Identifying Visitor Opinions Related to White Nose Syndrome in Tennessee

Within the general public people who visit parks or other natural areas hopefully get educated. These topics could be about natural, historical, or cultural world. One particularly that is of interest in the southeast is White Nose Syndrome. This illness is deadly to bats and could be detrimental to the entire ecosystem. Through the use of the surveys and recent research of professionals, this study will determine if the public is obtaining an education on the issue of White Nose Syndrome.

The belief is that the public is not receiving a sufficient education pertaining to White Nose Syndrome within this area of Tennessee. Data has been gathered through surveys from visitors that have visited caves in the South Cumberland area. The surveys have shown that the public is not well informed on the topic of White Nose Syndrome.

From this study, surveys confirm that the public is not acquiring a sufficient education about White Nose Syndrome. Steps must be taken to educate visitors and the general public. Advertising information in high traffic areas on and off park/ natural areas through signs, social media, and in person interpretation will assist in educating the public.