Encompass - University Presentation Showcase Event: The New Church:

The New Church:

Presenter Hometown

Powell County Ky








Jonathan S. Gore

Mentor Department



In this study we examined what constitutes the remembrance of certain sermons. We hypothesized that people with individualistic values, will remember a sermon more accurately if it is framed from a quest perspective than if it were framed from an orthodox perspective (1). The opposite effect was predicted for people with collectivistic values (2). In this study undergrad students (n = 285) were randomly assigned to read a sermon transcript about 2 Peter 1: 20-21, either with a quest or an orthodox perspective. They then completed a true/false test to identify whether statements were in the sermon or not. Later participants completed an online survey asking them about their cultural values. A series of partial correlation analyses were conducted between cultural values and the number of items they got correct on the true/false test, controlling for negative emotions while reading the sermon. Support was found for hypothesis 2, but not for hypothesis 1. Implications for church planting in collectivistic regions are discussed.

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The New Church:

In this study we examined what constitutes the remembrance of certain sermons. We hypothesized that people with individualistic values, will remember a sermon more accurately if it is framed from a quest perspective than if it were framed from an orthodox perspective (1). The opposite effect was predicted for people with collectivistic values (2). In this study undergrad students (n = 285) were randomly assigned to read a sermon transcript about 2 Peter 1: 20-21, either with a quest or an orthodox perspective. They then completed a true/false test to identify whether statements were in the sermon or not. Later participants completed an online survey asking them about their cultural values. A series of partial correlation analyses were conducted between cultural values and the number of items they got correct on the true/false test, controlling for negative emotions while reading the sermon. Support was found for hypothesis 2, but not for hypothesis 1. Implications for church planting in collectivistic regions are discussed.