EMG for Pull-Up Grip Modifications

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Troy, MI


Exercise and Sport Science


Exercise and Sport Science




Michael T. Lane

Mentor Department

Exercise and Sport Science


Pull-ups are a well-established, commonly utilized exercise for back & upper body muscles. However, literature reveals inconsistencies of how different grip modifications can impact different muscle activation. The most commonly used grip modifications are wide, close, and neutral grip. With superficial EMGs, the muscle activation is measured while subjects complete the grip modifications. In this study, EMGs were placed bilaterally on the thoracic lumbar fascia, latissimus dorsi, lower fibers of the trapezius, & the medial head of the triceps. From collected data, all muscles tested were activated in all grip modifications. There is bilateral activation of thoracolumbar, latissimus dorsi, triceps, and trapezius in all grip modifications. Mean percentage & peak of each muscle activated depended on the pull-up modification. Peak & mean bilateral engagement of tested muscles for grip modifications varied for all the subjects. Overall, wide-grip & neutral-grip activated the thoracolumbar more than close-grip. Completion of grip variations appears to activate all tested muscles but resulted in varying peaks & means for each subject. The data collected for wide grip resulted in a mean of 2.5083 with a SD of 3.5347. Data for close grip and neutral grip resulted in a mean of 2.0102 with a SD of 2.89662 & a mean of 1.9791 with a SD of 2.93291, respectively. ANOVA results demonstrated no statistical significance between muscle activation in different grips tested. Since these results are inconclusive with a small sample size, more experimentation needs to be performed in the future.

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EMG for Pull-Up Grip Modifications

Pull-ups are a well-established, commonly utilized exercise for back & upper body muscles. However, literature reveals inconsistencies of how different grip modifications can impact different muscle activation. The most commonly used grip modifications are wide, close, and neutral grip. With superficial EMGs, the muscle activation is measured while subjects complete the grip modifications. In this study, EMGs were placed bilaterally on the thoracic lumbar fascia, latissimus dorsi, lower fibers of the trapezius, & the medial head of the triceps. From collected data, all muscles tested were activated in all grip modifications. There is bilateral activation of thoracolumbar, latissimus dorsi, triceps, and trapezius in all grip modifications. Mean percentage & peak of each muscle activated depended on the pull-up modification. Peak & mean bilateral engagement of tested muscles for grip modifications varied for all the subjects. Overall, wide-grip & neutral-grip activated the thoracolumbar more than close-grip. Completion of grip variations appears to activate all tested muscles but resulted in varying peaks & means for each subject. The data collected for wide grip resulted in a mean of 2.5083 with a SD of 3.5347. Data for close grip and neutral grip resulted in a mean of 2.0102 with a SD of 2.89662 & a mean of 1.9791 with a SD of 2.93291, respectively. ANOVA results demonstrated no statistical significance between muscle activation in different grips tested. Since these results are inconclusive with a small sample size, more experimentation needs to be performed in the future.