University Presentation Showcase: Graduate Division | 2022 University Presentation Showcase

University Presentation Showcase: Graduate Division


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A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Handwriting Programs on Legibility in First Grade Students

Whitney Cook,

A Less Social World? Implications for Recreation

alexandra Miller, Eastern Kentucky University
Emmalee Floyd, Eastern Kentucky University

Adults with Autism and Postsecondary Supports and Perspectives

Rhiannon Spradlin, Eastern Kentucky University
Lexi Bobart, Eastern Kentucky University

Bystander Intervention Programs: Improving Attitudes and Behaviors Surrounding Sexual Harassment

Aaron Lankster, Eastern Kentucky University


Ruth M. Speidel, Eastern Kentucky University

How Recreation Therapy Increases Play and Inclusion for Children with Disabilities

Ariell Monroe, Eastern Kentucky University
Michelle Gerken Dr., Eastern Kentucky University

Increasing natural resource tourism in Eastern Kentucky

Emmalee Floyd, Eastern Kentucky University
Alex Miller, Eastern Kentucky University

School Playgrounds: A Hidden Resource

Mitchell L. Miller, Eastern Kentucky University

Seeing Stars: The Implications From Losing the Night Sky In and Around Daniel Boone National Forest

Anthony Chapman, Eastern Kentucky University

The Accessibility of Adaptive Recreation in Kentucky

Miranda L. Gay, Eastern Kentucky University
Christy M. Cole, Eastern Kentucky University

The Accessibility of Adaptive Recreation in Kentucky

Christy Cole
Miranda Gay

The Benefits of Horticulture Therapy

Ariell Monroe, Eastern Kentucky University
Brian Clark Dr., Eastern Kentucky University

The Growing Relationship of Recreation and Conservation: The Need for Balance

Zachary Lemmon, Eastern Kentucky University

The Impacts of Therapeutic Recreation Services in communities for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Kenna Childress, Eastern Kentucky University

The Limestone Ceiling: Overcoming Socioeconomic Challenges in the Rock Climbing Community

Robert Brown, Eastern Kentucky University

Too old for the outdoors? Think again! A look at recreation participation and impacts among senior adults

Lauren Seaman, Eastern Kentucky University

Virtual vs. In-person Interprofessional Education

Jenna N. Ross, Eastern Kentucky University
Savannah E. Meza, Eastern Kentucky University

Work Life Balance Post Covid-19

Kaylee Thornsberry
Mitchell Miller, Eastern Kentucky University
Anthony Chapman, Eastern Kentucky University