Encompass - University Presentation Showcase Event: Decoding the Flavor of Kentucky's Native Pawpaw Fruit

University Presentation Showcase: Undergraduate Division

Decoding the Flavor of Kentucky's Native Pawpaw Fruit

Presenter Hometown

Russell Springs








Dr. LiLi Zyzak

Mentor Department



Pawpaw is a tropical-like fruit native to Kentucky, Ohio Valley and East Coast. Its flavor resembles a cross between banana, mango, and pineapple. Most are unfamiliar with pawpaw as it has never been a commercial fruit due to its rapid deterioration upon ripening. However, those who have experienced it are very impressed and it has made its way into dessert flavors such as ice cream and custards. There have been some investigations into the volatiles of pawpaw by conventional headspace analysis; however, little progress has been made on identifying the volatiles responsible for its aroma. Therefore, the aim of this research is to apply Gas Chromatography – Olfactometry (GC-O) to identify the important odor active compounds in pawpaw and then recreate the flavor for year-round enjoyment in applications such as a pawpaw drink.

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Decoding the Flavor of Kentucky's Native Pawpaw Fruit

Pawpaw is a tropical-like fruit native to Kentucky, Ohio Valley and East Coast. Its flavor resembles a cross between banana, mango, and pineapple. Most are unfamiliar with pawpaw as it has never been a commercial fruit due to its rapid deterioration upon ripening. However, those who have experienced it are very impressed and it has made its way into dessert flavors such as ice cream and custards. There have been some investigations into the volatiles of pawpaw by conventional headspace analysis; however, little progress has been made on identifying the volatiles responsible for its aroma. Therefore, the aim of this research is to apply Gas Chromatography – Olfactometry (GC-O) to identify the important odor active compounds in pawpaw and then recreate the flavor for year-round enjoyment in applications such as a pawpaw drink.